I’ll be honest, I have a policy of being kind and trying to help anyone, except when they start off already rude and obnoxious like this guy did.
Such a shame, as the answer to his issues is quite obvious.
I’ll be honest, I have a policy of being kind and trying to help anyone, except when they start off already rude and obnoxious like this guy did.
Such a shame, as the answer to his issues is quite obvious.
I’ll be honest, I have a policy of being kind and trying to help anyone, except when they start off already rude and obnoxious like this guy did.
Such a shame, as the answer to his issues is quite obvious.
Google is your friend…
This (above) is the correct answer.
Additionally, you can save the note mappings as presets.
There’s no point in trying to help or offer solutions here as the OP has already stated that he’s deleted everything and “quit Steinberg”.
Scanning for PEBKAC issues… … … … … PEBKAC detected
Markers. Use markers (on marker track) for this.
Suggest getting one on one for some stuff. But many of the guys (like Phil P for example) have Discord etc. so you’ll watch their Youtube and then chat about it on Discord.
Project Logical Editor can do this and much more. You design your logic and assign it to a Key Command.
Have a look at Phil’s video for lots of examples.
Your project is 48. Is pointless exporting at 96. You can export at whatever you like though, they are not linked to the project in any way.
If you load a 96 into a 48 project Cubase will convert it to 48. Unless you tell it not to.
Advice. Set project to 48/24 Export at 48/24
So does it change depending on how much you are zoomed in?
So you understand the grid settings?
Perhaps you have grid locked to zoom?
Must admit I find Vari Audio very fast. I do have a very good ear though.
Make sure that acoustic feedback is on so you can hear each note while stepping through them.
I can whiz through track like this and then go back and make smaller adjustments.
Would you like to explain the issue you are having?
It is completely up to you. If it sounds OK then do it. There is absolutely no rule against this.
Measure the difference in samples (using a sound with an obvious peak)
Put the result into the recording offset amount in the Studio setup dialog.
Windows 11. i9 13900K. No issues here. Mainly VST3 but with a few older VST2 versions.
It would help to know what OS you are using and a bit more system info.
Also any specific plugins and version of those plugins.
You have your timeline set to something other than bars and beats.
Switch it back by pressing “.” (Full stop key on main keyboard)
Not sure about this, will check. But meanwhile, as an alternative. Make your template as big as you want with everything setup and routed etc. Then simply disable all the tracks.
Save it as a “Template” and use that to start new projects.
The template loads very quickly because everything is disabled, and you can then enable as you wish.
This is what most of us do now tbh. Have a look here, if you need more info (not my video):