Long story short and spare the drama. The bf thinks I am cheating on him and wants access to my fb messages on his phone for whenever he wants to check them. I am more then 100% ok with that. The problem is I don’t want him to have my email and password info I have my own reasons. Is there a way for him to have full access to my messages without having my info in his phone? I know it’s wishful thinking.
Fk that. Ditch this sorry sack. No trust at this stage will only spiral into worse controlling behavior.
Give me your Facebook name. I’ll message you on there, and then log him in on his phone and let him read it, and give ya a good reason to break up. That is narc-y behaviour, and you are better off without him. It might not seem it now, but take it from someone who has experienced such things before.
Red flags!!
Leave him
Technically speaking,
You could have a headless browsing tool like Python-selenium grab these records for you.
Probably not the lowest tech solution, but it’s what I know. No FB here.
You might have to pay someone a couple hundred to make it.
Practically speaking,
girrrrrrllll, if you wanna spare yourself the drama you probably wanna get out of this situation entirely.
Good luck.
I could have access to my wife’s FB and she can see mine, we do that all the time without hiding messages from eachother.
To demand that, to want that from you in the first place, even if you are ok with that, its a major red flag. Yes its possible to make him login without accessing your email. Those are different passwords anyway (they may be the same, thats on you, but they are based on different platforms and hosts). But to make him do that is to bend to his will.
Today, is your facebook account. Tomorrow, your instagram. Then, the email. See the issue?
My advice (and many other users here): tell him goodbye. I know it may hurt, but its the best for you on the long run.
He just needs to login with your account on the alt account feature on FB Messenger on his phone or computer. It’s ezpz
Sorry, but your BF has serious issues - do not give anyone access to your accounts (especially for those stupid resons).