My laptop is stuttering and glitching 1050ti
One of the causes could be the recent driver update, I say this because I’ve made very few changes these past few months. Since then my pc has been cutting my audio and been extremely slow when processing programs that previously would be no problem like OBS and Premiere Pro, maybe a little slow but never brought to a complete halt for several minutes or just ask me to terminate the process. It can’t even open Apex Legends off of steam anymore because it caps at less than 20fps
Has anyone else experienced the same issues or could it be something else? If so, do you have any solutions?
You mention that you have a laptop.
Laptops are very temperamental when it comes to heat build-up and heat elimination, when compared to their larger brethren, the desktop computer.
Their compact size means that engineers had to compromise somewhere in order to fit all that power into a much smaller form-factor.
Have you checked your thermals using something like HWiNFO which captures both low, current and most importantly any high temperature readings?
Another matter to consider with audio stuttering are DPC latency. You can read more here -
Check this for throttling