This is campus housing and granted this started happening for some reason 2 months go. Basically the WiFi connects and keeps constantly kicking me off like it is blocking me or something. Tech support is all but useless as if my phone is the issue when it works literally everywhere else. My actual home, work, public WiFi.
Tv works fine, console works fine, other iPhones work fine. Just fine. They made me download a config, that didn’t help. Turned off WiFi Assist, that didn’t help.
I’m at my wits end because I either have to buy a Brand new phone that I can’t afford right now and hope it works or did unlimited data.
Any tips?
Ask them to check their logs. Without that info you won’t know.
Have you tried talking to IT?
Disable private Wi-Fi address when you’re connected to that particular network. Click the little blue i to load the network properties. It’ll constantly reconnect when the iPhone generates a new mac address. Some large wireless networks don’t handle this change very well.
I’ve done that. Still does it
Very strange that it’s just your phone on that network that’s affected. The only time I’ve experienced issues like you’re describing on a Wi-Fi network was with an iPhone XS.
I wasn’t able to fully diagnose the issue as the customer got a new phone, but we were able to make the phone play a bit nicer with a dedicated 2.4GHz only network during investigations. Can’t explain it, but hopefully someone else here can help further. I don’t think it’s something that should be resolved by a full reset on the phone as that’s a bit drastic and you’ll lose all your data if you don’t have an icloud backup.