I can’t run my ram at advertised speeds without instability, I’m running 4 sticks of DDR5 with default xmp profile and getting BSODS. Is there any workaround?
I can’t run my ram at advertised speeds without instability, I’m running 4 sticks of DDR5 with default xmp profile and getting BSODS. Is there any workaround?
3200mhz is pretty average performance, and I would expect most kits to be able to do it even with 4 sticks. When you get to the high/excessive performance 4100mhz+ ram kits that tax the memory controler more its very unlikly you will be able to run 4 sticks, however you could get lucky still. Same with ddr5 6000mhz. You could get really lucky and have it work, but it’s not a guarantee and more than likely wont.
3200mhz was pretty fast for DDR4 when it first came out. Also 6000mhz is like average ddr5 speed now, you can get much faster.
Id say the difference is the newer cpu. 5000 series is gonna have a much better memory controler than what came out when 3200 was considered fast. Im sure once we get a few new cpu gens with new architecture, then 4 sticks of 6000mhz will work pretty easily, too.
The point of my post was that 4 sticks can, and will, work. The post I replied to said it wouldn’t.
obviously 4 sticks can work on a motherboard with 4 slots
Again, not the point of the post… Reading is hard…