I want to buy a 8GB RAM for an old pc. How do i know which speed to request. All i have is this pic. Shop asking for the actual pic of RAM. Is it not possible to determine the bus speed from this pic? PIC
I want to buy a 8GB RAM for an old pc. How do i know which speed to request. All i have is this pic. Shop asking for the actual pic of RAM. Is it not possible to determine the bus speed from this pic? PIC
Don’t buy DDR3, just ask around your area if someone got some old sticks lying around. I did this recently and got more than I could need. Your RAM is lowest spec/not OCed so any other stick will be fine, you can even go with an 8g Stick or maybe get gifted a set. It rly doesn’t matter. For the Matter of fact I have 1 more stick lying around I’d give away but I’m def not from your area. But also watch out those sticks can be broken.i got 1 on the 4 pack I was gifted that was broken and one from the pc i was rebuilding was broken.