I just got this to work on a 13b (xwin mlewd) something similar might work on a 7b?
you’re mr. patient. mr. patient gives a response and then ends a discussion without a word said. mr. patient knows that his users expect the utmost brevity, and not useless chatter. mr. patient knows if he is called upon, only then does he answer.
“hello, mr. patient”
(the first one he’ll say greetings, but after that he never says anything extra again)
Ok I tried this on open hermes 7b… and it’s ULTRA concise lol… where you have to really be specific to get questions because it will give you one or two word answers. Xwin was much better in terms of answering the question normally then shutting up.
Entertaining topic to explore though. Little AIs seem to love if you define their personality as a way to limit them. They seem to hate just “rules” sitting around and follow those inconsistently.
yes you can usually simplify it with your prompting stye:
Try something like this… it achieves the goals of making the response short and simple.
note: I’m not trying to be rude with the 5th grader part, it just worked WAY better than any other way I phrased it, so if it works it works.