Have you set your social media profiles for friends only or private?
You should be able to change it so only people you know can view your profile and comment on pictures. Its pretty easy these days to track someone by name or even phone number on social media. Making your accounts private or even viewable by friends of friends harder.
(he kept on coming back and commenting on my facebook posts from numerous fake profiles
I don’t think someone commenting on photos is hacking into your account that makes zero sense. The only reason to hack into someones account is gain access to photos or use it like randsomware and demand money for the return of your profile back. As mentioned above change your security settings and only allow friends or keep your profile private.
I would as i said go through all your profiles and set every single setting to private and DO NOT add any or allow followers from people you do not know.
If he legit stole this from Amazon, he ain’t returning your money. If he’s allowing you to get your money back (I am still suspicious), then take it.