Don’t buy anything until youve actually checked what the problem is. It could be interference, but it could also be AP prioritization, dorms usually have their access points distributed across, buildings, and they’ll prioritize whichever has the highest signal strength, which isn’t necessarily the one with the best speed/latency.
There’s plenty of tools online for checking wireless signal strengths, and Router MAC.
I’d download something like wifiinfoview, and look at 2 things before buying a repeater or anything like that.
In wifiinfoview, Look at the SSID (wifi name) is highlighted green, thats the one youre connected to. Make a note of the RSSI and MAC address fields.
Then go next door and watch, first check to make sure the highlighted field doesn’t change to a different MAC, if it does the problem probably isn’t interference, and you can look online how to lock your device to the faster one.
If it doesn’t change, then watch the RSSI, the closer to 0 the number gets, the better the signal. So if you go next door and the number changes dramatically, it’s safe to assume there is some kind of interference between your room and this one.
Could be electrical (microwaves, faulty wiring) but is probably something physical in or on the wall connecting you. Repositioning your devices can help, but outside of using a physical cable, there aren’t any solutions that don’t have downsides.
Find out what the actual problem is and do research to find out which solution is best for you.
Also check if your computer is using the latest wifi standard, a Wifi6 adapter will get better signal than Wifi5
Don’t buy anything until youve actually checked what the problem is. It could be interference, but it could also be AP prioritization, dorms usually have their access points distributed across, buildings, and they’ll prioritize whichever has the highest signal strength, which isn’t necessarily the one with the best speed/latency.
There’s plenty of tools online for checking wireless signal strengths, and Router MAC.
I’d download something like wifiinfoview, and look at 2 things before buying a repeater or anything like that.
In wifiinfoview, Look at the SSID (wifi name) is highlighted green, thats the one youre connected to. Make a note of the RSSI and MAC address fields.
Then go next door and watch, first check to make sure the highlighted field doesn’t change to a different MAC, if it does the problem probably isn’t interference, and you can look online how to lock your device to the faster one.
If it doesn’t change, then watch the RSSI, the closer to 0 the number gets, the better the signal. So if you go next door and the number changes dramatically, it’s safe to assume there is some kind of interference between your room and this one.
Could be electrical (microwaves, faulty wiring) but is probably something physical in or on the wall connecting you. Repositioning your devices can help, but outside of using a physical cable, there aren’t any solutions that don’t have downsides.
Find out what the actual problem is and do research to find out which solution is best for you.
Also check if your computer is using the latest wifi standard, a Wifi6 adapter will get better signal than Wifi5