Does Cubase have any type of Routing Folder/Summing Stack like how Logic Pro, Abelton, and Pro Tools Have?
Basically A folder that also acts like a group where whatever tracks I drag into it, those tracks will then be routed through that folder.
No, and it’s a shame. Folder tracks that act like groups are such a convenient thing. The worst thing is, group tracks in Cubase can not be rearranged/reordered, which means if you created 5 groups then number 3 will always be number 3 in every list and dropdown, regardless if you reordered the groups. I love Cubase and use it every day, but this is some Windows 98 level programming.
Totally agree. It’s one of the things that frustrates me most in Cubase being weened on REAPER. This archaic and pre-defined track structure that somehow tries to mimic analog desk workflow. Free the DAW! Let user’s define their own structure and liberate us from oppressive old paradigms!
Oh that would be so good. If I could export whole folders. I’d pay for it alone