Not even gonna try to justify it, I fucked up high time. That poor piece of technology has more viruses than an experimental lab right now, its totally fucked.
Can’t type shit, can’t run the antivirus, can’t delete the offending file, can’t end the task, fuck I can’t even navigate trhough files- honest to God, that PC does not belong to me right now. But I want it back from whatever piece of hell I shoved it into…
I know enough to be able to run a pen drive windows reinstall, but how do I wipe the PC if control has completely been taken from me?
I’ve been using computers for 15 years, and it just boggles my mind how peoples’ systems get bogged up with bloatware and viruses. It has never happened to me, not even a little. Use an adblock, and don’t click on stupid links. Is it really, I mean REALLY that hard?? I would think after this long, it would just be standard practice for everyone using a computer. Every time these posts come up, it’s just someone with the technologial literacy of a pine cone. I’m gonna go down like hell for this, I know, but geez the amount of times this happens is just too damn high. Smarten up, people.