Hi everyone !
Had a question about cubase’s terrible Expression Maps. I’m trying to make a template where I would really need to use expression maps, however as you may know it is insanely painful to setup (even if there is this wonderful website that helps quite a lot https://expressionmaps.soundsinabox.de).

What I want to do is making a template project with everything setup correctly (including expression maps) and then importing tracks i need from this template to projects I’m working on, the point of this being that I may not always need a full orchestra (for example).
HOWEVER… Cubase does not import expression maps when importing tracks from a project to another, which means I have to previously import all my expression maps in the new project before importing any VST from my template. The new issue is that you can import an expression map only one by one which drives me absolutely mad, like am I supposed to import ALL my expression maps everytime I create a project ?? This sounds insane

My questions are :
-Am I doing something wrong ?
-Have you got any advice ?
-Are Steinberg planning to improve expression maps at some point or are they waiting for cubase 15 to make it better and pretend they have great ideas

Thank you very much !

  • augurymusic@alien.topB
    1 year ago

    Another alternative to u/Funghie’s excellent suggestion, is to remove all folder tracks in the template file. Then when you use the import tracks from project function elsewhere, the expression maps should come along for the ride.

    For some reason the inclusion of a folder structure (which is supremely useful in organising everything and is a pain to not use in of itself) causes expression maps to not be imported. Been an issue since Cubase 10 when the feature was implemented (see Steinberg forums: https://forums.steinberg.net/t/expression-maps-not-imported-with-import-tracks-from-project/160104?page=1)

    • _invisibeard@alien.topB
      1 year ago

      Ooh thank you! I have been wondering why sometimes my expression maps were imported along the ride and sometimes they weren’t haha