Today I was in a Zoom call, right after it ended I got distracted for a couple seconds just to see that someone was browsing on my pc trying to get into my Paypal and bank account, as soon as I saw it I shut off the computer, then proceded to turn it on and scan for viruses. I’m pretty sure the scanner found the trojan I was looking for and so I deleted it, we’re talking about NetSupport RAT. So now I have a couple of questions: he didn’t get anything done (as far as I know) cause his action lasted for about 30 seconds at maximum, how much do I have to worry now? Is it possible that he was monitoring my screen before he took control over it? It seems such a strange coincidence that right after I get distracted after a Zoom call he enters (my camera was on too). Is eradicating the trojan enough? Is there something else I should look for to make sure they do not have access anymore? I used the pc throughout the day without encuntering anymore issues.
God knows what that troyan fed him, he could have logs of all your keyboards strokes, passwords and partial access to emails , I would log into your main email accounts using phone change all the passwords 1st then nuke the pc after you take all important data out.