So a few weeks ago, I started having problems with my old PC ( +10 years preassembled, ASUS ) , so I asked a friend of mine if he could help since he has helped me on many occasions on tech problems. The PC was stuck trying to boot, and couldn’t succesfully start, we decided to wipe the disks clean and installed a fresh windows 10. Done that the PC is now successfully starting and operating as usual.

It looks like the GPU doesn’t work at all tho, because when I look under devices it says something generic but doesn’t adress the model nor anything else. We tried to search for the correct drivers but we couldn’t find a reliable source since on the official site of Nvidia there aren’t drivers this old ( or we couldn’t find them ).

We tried to install some drivers we found on reddit posts but the result was the GPU fans spinnning at max speed in idle…

Can anyone help me figure out what can I do to fix this ?

EDIT : I’m from Europe if anything changes with the drivers