I have some old pcs that I’m going to donate. What’s the safest way to erase the hard drives so none of my data is on there?
I have some old pcs that I’m going to donate. What’s the safest way to erase the hard drives so none of my data is on there?
If you want the drives to be useable, you’ll want to use a program that overwrites the data. This is important because when you “delete” a file you just remove a link to it but the actual data still exists and getting it back is trivial. Ideally the program will do a couple passes, overwriting the data with garbage.
There are tons of programs that will do this, which one you should use depends on your OS and whether the drive is an HDD or SSD.
If not usable, dismantle it, keep the platters because they’re shiny (and may still contain data), and the magnets because they’re awesome.
E-Recycle the rest at Best Buy or somewhere that takes electronics scrap.