Hey all -

I still have a Cubase Pro 13 full license available. I have two as you can see here on my activation screen. This was another 12 Pro upgrade for my studio but we don’t need both anymore.

$350 USD

Saves you over $200 ;-)

My activation screen:https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/gcfclymvm66gcanoubg6z/steinberg_cubase_notactivated.JPG?rlkey=mq8jfqaaltzz6s8zj0yrpeqls&dl=0

Steinberg transfer process of ownership:https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/0fe8nal298kyyx51vj4va/steinberg_transferdetails.JPG?rlkey=dcov8pvzkgdm922ytoxnwycuv&dl=0

Inquire… I want to sell it today and give someone a deal - send a PM or reply… I have 100 positive reviews over on Reverb for hardware gear sales, Gearspace profile too, etc.
