Here is my User Benchmark, has all my specs and shows everything running fine (im pretty sure)
I get frame skipping and microstutters in my games and its so infuriating, I play competitive games with other people. For example lets say CS:GO the stutter will happen when they appear on my screen. In fortnite the stuttering starts when more action is happening and im in a build fight or something.
I also test it outside of games because I notice is even on my desktop. I will drag my browser window in circles and it just randomly starts skipping.
I updated bios, have bought new CPU and Ram, enabled and disabled xmp, changed Nvidia control panel, turned down mouse polling rate to 500hz, tried games on SSD and still stuttered, my temps are fine, I was playing fortnite and neither my cpu nor gpu went past 70c and I was stuttering. I have installed new drivers, I used DDU on audio drivers and gpu, my frames aren’t dropping under my monitor hertz, my PSU is 750w so I don’t suspect it to be the problem either.
I’m not really sure what to try anymore, its upsetting that this PC doesn’t feel smooth all the time, I get the smooth feeling when just running around the map with nobody near me, but as soon as things start happening the smoothness just disappears and it feels gross. I don’t see anything spiking in my resource monitor when it happens.
What kind of background software are you running?