One night I had 90gb free storage but 1 day later I only had 62gb.
I havent installed anything neither update my windows.
If anyone knows a fix tell me
One night I had 90gb free storage but 1 day later I only had 62gb.
I havent installed anything neither update my windows.
If anyone knows a fix tell me
We can’t answer you because we don’t know what you use the C: drive for.
30GB is the size of a game from Steam, for example. You may have been browsing online and cached lots of large files. It could be cached updates. It could be new programs.
What you can do to check for temp data is to run Disk Cleanup and use the system option. See how much space you can recover, but if your machine is pending a reboot from patching (patch Tuesday was last week) complete all your updates first.
Game shaders can take a nifty sum of space.
30Gb is the size of a typical modern game update. Game has update, boom 30Gb gone