Th6e first th6ing5 I noticed was th6e backspace button. It is \ bu\t it also deletes. Th6e second was \ h6 and g5. It applies v\ice versa as well. I’-m g5oing5 to list a few oth6ers.
Lower brig5h6tness takes me to th6e project s\creen, h6eig5h6ten brig5h6tness is my lower volume button. My mute but\ton doesn’-t work. Tilde/Accent Mark key don’-t work.
I’-ve tried disabling5 and re’-inabling5 my keyboard + restarting5 my keyboard.
I am on Windows 11, and I am not using5 a plug5’-in keyboard.
God damn posts like this on this sub are so funny
Can try uninstalling and reinstalling the drivers. Could be something going on in the keyboard settings or the wireless usb transmitter is acting up.
Do you have another keyboard that you can try and see if that’s also acting the same way? If it is, then it’s not the wireless usb transmitter of your main keyboard, but could just be a software issue.
Maybe try using a plug-in keyboard…for now… Do you have a child? Maybe they played around in the settings best case scenario, if it’s a laptop, just take it to a shop. If not,film a video and show them
Have you checked the language setting for your keyboard? Maybe it got changed or set to some alternative layout to your region
If this is a laptop then you most likely have the scroll lock button pressed. Try to toggle it off
What make/model is your laptop?
Th6at wasn’-t it, but th6ank you for th6e sug5g5estion.
I’m sorry but this is so funny for some reason😂😂
Brought me to tears