Hi everyone, I’m addressing y’all because I couldn’t find a single viable option for this issue. Before I start, I’d like to mention that I’m french so I cannot really use any technical words there, I hope it’ll still be understandable…

I have a personnal computer. It is not from work or anything, and it’s been working fine for the past three years. Yesterday, I noticed Google Chrome wasn’t using google anymore, it was using bing as a search motor. I thought “shit, i might’ve downloaded a shitty extension again” so I went to delete it, but surprise as I arrived there. I found an extension that I never downloaded of course, called “YourSearchBar”, but could not delete it, as it was “managed by my organisation”, which is odd because I do not HAVE any organisation that is supposed to have control over this computer.

I searched for this issue on the internet and I was able to find a solution, which was to go into regedit and delete a specific key, and that seemed to work, I also deleted any program I thought was suspicious or unknown to me from my computer. It worked, until this morning I open my computer again to see the same damn problem ! And now I have NO WAY to delete keys in regedit again ! I tried modifying autorisations on those keys, I noticed they did not have a value as well and read something about them needing to have one for me to edit them, but I have no idea how should I fix this and I’d like to not screw up my computer.

So there I am, if anyone has an idea please, please help me. Have a great day, thanks for reading

  • Fragillys@alien.topOPB
    1 year ago

    What do you mean by wipe? If it is about uninstalling and reinstalling chrome I already tried that, I went into the policies and the issue affects my whole computer, not just chrome. I can’t afford an USB driver right now, I don’t want to reset my whole computer as well. I tried revo uninstall but uh, I think I didn’t quite understand the process :')

    • razorblazer420@alien.topB
      1 year ago

      Well, once you can afford a USB drive, which is cheap, I would recommend you moving any files you need onto that USB drive and doing a fresh instal of windows. You can Google windows (whatever version) factory reset and that will give you what steps you need.

      At your current level, I don’t think people are gonna be able to walk you through how to fix something like that, its malware and could be sending anything you do on your computer anywhere. It is almost definitely sending something somewhere.