Daughter has saved to buy Cubase 12 and now wants me to help her learn. Looking at it I don’t have a clue what Im doing! Any advice on resources, methods etc we could use to learn together?
Any resources on Lynda, Udemy, Skillshare will be enormous help. Do not forget to read the manual. It is excellently put.
First of all, well done in taking the time and willingness to learn in your daughter’s interest.
Few things come to mind:
You can install cubase 12 on up to the devices, so if you had a sister laptop lying about you could fiddle with it too and do the “oh, oh look what I found moments”.
There are a lot of resources for getting started on YouTube. Just literally type in “cubase beginner”, and you’ll get the likes of Dom and Guy pop up.
Learn to drag and drop (or import) songs from artists and play about with adding inserts to see what they do, get used to the interface, get used to the mixer (f3)… Don’t be afraid to explore and press all the buttons, that’s how I learnt, and oh fun fact that a lot… a lot of people don’t actually realise… There is a manual!! Obviously don’t read the whole thing, but a “what’s that do” is very helpful for quick guides.
Have fun and it sounds like you will have great craic between you figuring out this behemoth of a software!!
Thanks for the tips!
Cubase channel on YouTube and read the manual
A useful overview of shortcuts that I believe still mostly apply.
https://soundpeaks.net/blog/cubase-hotkeys-with-examplesI’d highly reccomend finding a document with the most used key commands in too. In college we got given a sheet with all the most useful key commands in it to refer to and it helped a lot.
This one helped me a lot as far as learning to navigate my way around the software :
If that helps, there are also videos on the most used key commands in the tip videos there. Best of luck!
These 3 YouTube channels have always helped me. I still learn new things from them after 3 years of working semi-professionally with cubase.
Mixdown online - https://youtube.com/@mixdownonline?si=yq4xZYpI2wEeD5ut
Dom Sigalas - https://youtube.com/@DomSigalas?si=aUI7qy04J2e88rB7
Official Cubase - https://youtube.com/@Cubase?si=1xayivhcu23TRFec
YouTube and Udemy online courses are all the tutorials you will need really but also…. Just play with it.
Just sitting there experimenting is how I think I learned the most…
Then if you need answers for specific things you can either google, watch YouTube or even ask here… I asked Reddit the other day how to make a specific bassline for a tune and so that saved me a lot of time and gave me what I wanted instantly… but still definitely go learn from the tutorials first though
……and lastly, learning with your daughter is the opportunity to have some wonderful memories together! Embrace it and have fun ❤️