i just overclocked my 60Hz (by default) monitor to 75Hz, and it worked without any problems for the meantime. my question is, will overclocking my monitor damage it in the long term? i’d like to clarify that i only switched to 75Hz for gaming, especially cs2, and i spend about 4.5 hours on average.
additionally, here are my PC specs: i3 10105f GTX 1650 16GB RAM
Shouldn’t damage it in the short term as long as you are not getting any flickering pixels, lines, or distortion, all of which could be a sign that you are pushing it too far. Long-term, it produces more heat so theoretically might shorten the lifespan. I never had very much luck with overclocking monitors. I would always end up with artifacts in a certain application that would make me set it back to default. So I just bit the bullet and got a high refresh monitor a few years ago and no regrets.