Specs: 3080, 32gb of Ram, (3200mhz), Ryzen 7 5700x,

I get around 150fps In Valorant (No cap) and 140 Fps in fornite (No cap) this is on high settings But I know I should get better fps with these specs.

  • letmeyiffyourbutt@alien.topB
    1 year ago

    Obligatory reminder to check your drivers are up to date, blah blah blah you know the drill. (Not trying to insult your intelligence here btw lol) Make sure that your monitor is displaying a decent refresh rate too. I’ve noticed a lot of people buy 144hz monitors and don’t even realise they left it at 60hz. If you’re a total newbie to pc gaming that’s something to watch for, cause it may seem like you’re getting bad performance when in reality your monitor may just not be outputting what it should be and you’d probably just assume 60 fps and 144fps look sort of similar and not great.

    I will say though that for high settings that’s pretty decent performance, maybe just toy around with your settings and tune it to your liking performance to looks-wise. Another thing to watch for is the potential that motherboard is bottlenecking your system. Your graphics card and cpu could quite happily be sitting in a board that- while it can hold them physically; is holding back their performance. Stuff like pcie slots being slow etc.