Got a windows security alert that there was a severe threat on my pc. When I looked at it, it was a file with trojan in the title. Very spooky. When I let windows security run the necessary actions, it did another scan and then three such files showed up. I told windows security to delete them, ran another scan twice and it hasn’t found any new threat. Am I good or should I take further action?
I downloaded something I have used in the past. A file recovery program called testdisk. I have used it before without issues, now it suddenly got me this issue. I deleted that, and any files I recovered with it, and now there aren’t any new threats.
Really depends on the type of Trojan, do you have the name? Cross check with malwarebytes and eset. In case it was some type of stealer, I would check all your accounts and see if they were logged into. If so, reinstall windows from a usb.