I live in a pretty cramped in sharehouse and there is a shower in my room, directly next to the shower is my desk with my PC on it. Could the steam from the shower damage my pc? If so is there anyway I can prevent this? (ie cover my pc with a blanket of some kind when I have a shower to reduce the condensation (if that even works like that)). I know this is a potentially idiotic question but I just wanna game after work, man… thanks guys,
Also, there is a ceiling shower fan that I have turned on whilst I shower, although i doubt that helps much as sometimes I exit the shower and my mirror will be foggy for a while. I only just got my computer out of storage now.
Yes that will be an issue and there’s no real permanent fix to it. Humidity will build up unless you have a huge extract fan.
You really can’t move the pc somewhere else ? You could get extenders (cheap), a separate power button, usb hub if you need it and just keep your monitor and peripherals near the shower, those are much less delicate
Are you the only one using the shower or is it more people? Is the shower walled off or does it have curtains ?
Please post a picture of the setup if you can.