Curious if anyone got the whole rig and realize they didn’t really need it etc

  • praxis22@alien.topB
    1 year ago

    I spend a bunch of money on .my PC over the years, including a €1200 for an ASUS TUF 3090, (Last one they had) never regretted it. That said until AI all I did with it was play Skyrim, the case is 20 years old, (Antec P85) the CPU is 10+ years old i7 2600k under water with a 50% OC 32GB RAM

    That said the wife is buying me a new one for Xmas, and I’m pondering 128GB RAM. She also loved the case I want (Fractal Design North) so much she wants me to buy one for our son for Christmas as she hates the one he has at present.

    So no. Never regretted spending money on hardware :)