Yesterday I bought a new USB stick from Intenso and moved a few files onto it. Suddenly the stick disappeared from the list of my devices. So I unplugged it and plugged it back in and now the drive is displayed, but only grayed out and when I try to open it, I get the error message: "Insert a disk into the USB drive."The error occurs on different USB ports and different PCs. Other USB sticks work perfectly. I have also tried to change the drive letter manually without success. If I try to repair the stick with

chkdsk /f g:

I only get the error message: "Volume cannot be opened for direct access."What else could I do? I urgently need the stick by tomorrow, but as today is Sunday, I can’t just exchange it in the store.

  • solidmarbleeyes@alien.topB
    1 year ago

    Yep, that’s the way. After I clean it I usually will format it in disk management instead of diskpart, but you shouldn’t have any problems if you follow that article.